Aljosha Gasser.

30-Day Writing Challenge – Day 30: On Being Creative

This is Day 30 of the 30-Day Writing Challenge I set for myself to start writing online. This post was originally published on X.

“I guess I’m just not the creative type.”


There’s nothing making me angrier than this statement.

I hear it far too often from friends and family and read it on a daily on social media.

Of all the limiting beliefs we have in our lives, this one is probably the worst.

The opportunity

You and I were born as one of the most creative creatures on this planet.

At a time when pursuing a creative life is easier than ever.

And yet sometimes it feels like we’re living in a creative drought.

The lie

We all are creative beings and to say otherwise is a lie.

It’s a lie we tell ourselves to avoid the uncomfortable truth.

It’s a lie we tell others so we don’t feel alone in our view.

The gap

There’s a huge disconnect between where you currently are and the people you look up to.

This only reinforces your false conclusion.

“These people are much more creative than me.”

But that’s not true.

They invested their time to learn the skills needed to close the gap between idea and vision.

The obvious

You think you have nothing worth sharing.
You think your ideas are not good enough.
You think your take on things is too obvious.

Think again.

Dare to state the obvious.

And you will find that others will see value in it.

The solution

Action breeds creativity.

You need to act on your thoughts and ideas.

The less time between idea and implementation, the better.

At the very least, write it down.

You can’t trust your busy mind to remember it tomorrow.

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    Aljosha Gasser

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