Aljosha Gasser.

30 Posts In 30 Days – Day 7: Monday

This is Day 1 of the 30 Posts In 30 Days Challenge I set for myself to start writing online. This post was originally published on X.

“Mondays are the worst.”

I remember that dreadful feeling I had, the night before going back to school. The end of the weekend was approaching and all the freedom that came with it.

Five days of mundane torture ahead of me.

It sounds a bit hyperbolic but that’s exactly how I felt about Mondays. From my first day of school, all the way into my early twenties.

It got better when I started my four-year apprenticeship as a computer scientist.

Finally, I earned my own money. Which was a completely different incentive than simply working for “good grades”.

But I also got a taste of what it’s like to have a regular 9 to 5 job.

These days I don’t have to go to school anymore. I don’t have to go anywhere at all. I’m my own boss, for many years now.

I’m able to work where I want, whenever I want, and with whomever I want.

Some Mondays I still feel a hint of dread. Like today. All those years at school grained it into my mind.

But as soon as I snap out of it, I realize that’s not the case anymore.

Mondays aren’t the worst. On the contrary.

Nowadays there’s nothing more fulfilling than a new week ahead of me. A blank canvas and all the opportunities for doing something great.

Being my own boss comes with its own set of challenges.

But feeling dreadful on a Monday morning isn’t one of them.

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    Aljosha Gasser

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