Aljosha Gasser.

30 Posts In 30 Days – Day 29: Experiment

This is Day 29 of the 30 Posts In 30 Days Challenge I set for myself to start writing online. This post was originally published on X.

Nobody wants to create something objectively bad.

I have to remind myself of that every now and then.

I get easily discouraged by looking at other people’s creations and comparing them to mine.

It’s always a very unfair comparison though.

The best of them vs the worst of me.

It’s a bad habit I’ve developed over the years.

And social media amplifies it immeasurably.

I’m aware of it. I notice when it happens.

But sometimes I just can’t control it.

And so I came up with a plan.

For the past few weeks, I committed to creating something and putting it out into the world every day.

The goal wasn’t to create a bunch of masterpieces.

(Even though my mind tried to trick me into it.)

But to face my fear and fight Resistance, no matter what.

The beautiful thing about social media is, how short-lived everything is.

Most of the things I release into the world don’t get a lot of attention.

Even if I had a big(ger) following, only a fraction of these people would actually get to see it.

And if they did, most of them would have forgotten after swiping once or twice.

That helps me to think of every creation as an experiment.

A failed experiment is no reason to stop.

It’s a chance to find out what works and what doesn’t.

And it’s highly unlikely to get the expected results on the first iteration.

More experiments must follow.

They have to build on each other to start showing their effect.

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    Aljosha Gasser

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