Aljosha Gasser.

30 Posts In 30 Days – Day 28: Rules

This is Day 28 of the 30 Posts In 30 Days Challenge I set for myself to start writing online. This post was originally published on X.

There is lots of good advice on the internet on how to build and run a successful business.

But sometimes I get a little bit too distracted and lose sight of what’s actually important.

Which is why I’ve set up some rules for how I run my business.

Rule #1: I deliver what I promise

If I say I do something, I do it without question.

I deliver my work on time and on budget.

Rule #2: I make no promises I will regret later on

In the beginning, I often took on projects way below my price or on an unrealistic schedule.

But that’s the wrong way to win over a client.

Rule #3: This isn’t about me or what I want

This isn’t about:

  • Building the most beautiful portfolio
  • Winning awards or getting into magazines
  • Adding the most awesome names to my bio

This is about the people paying me money for my services.

What do they want?

Rule #4: I try to impress the client, by listening closely

My clients often don’t know how to best describe their needs or what’s actually possible.

That’s a great opportunity to not only meet but exceed their expectations.

Rule #5: I make the numbers work

Sometimes I can’t control how much money I’m going to make by the end of the month.

What I can control are the costs:

  • My salary (to an extent)
  • Software and subscriptions
  • Hardware and infrastructure
  • Marketing/advertising
  • Education (courses, etc.)

The question is, what am I willing to pay for, and how much?

If I find a way to make the numbers work, I’m going to stay in business.

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    Aljosha Gasser

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